Well, things seem to be going to hell in a handbasket. LOL I find it all a bit funny, actually. Which may sound a bit......macabre.....I don't care. It IS funny!
Mom started "bleeding" on July 22, 2009, and just kept on and on. She's 51, and has started menopause. Honestly, I'm a bit jealous that she will no longer have to deal with sanitary napkins and all the messiness associated anymore! lol Anyway, the thing is, she didn't stop bleeding. She was taken to the doctor several times, and the docs all sent her home saying that this is what happens. Two weeks ago, however, she was walking from one room to another and became out of breath, and her heart felt as though it was pounding out of her chest. The ambulance came and took her to Mansfield Methodist Hospital. The doctors there said she was severely anemic, and they needed to get the bleeding to stop and give her a blood transfusion. She was 2-3 units low on blood, but they had to put off the transfusions 24 hours. Her blood has the RH antibody in it, and it's a rare type. Needless to say, they had to send out to Dallas to get it. She's been put on birth control pills for the hormones and is being given iron supplements to help build her system back up. She was in the hospital for 3 nights. I stayed with her two nights, and Kohni stayed with her one. When she was taken in that Thursday night, Kohni called and said they were trying to get in touch with me. That way I could go to the hospital and take care of business, being that I'm her next of kin. On Saturday, they had already given her the transfusions, and were talking about sending her home. We had lunch with my Dad who gave Kohni and birthday money. The following Monday I an interview with the City of Arlington, and needed some new slacks, so afterwards Brenda and I went clothes shopping. Which really accomplishes nothing for me other than making me tired and my legs hurt. LOL We had decided to go eat dinner that evening when Mom called me. She said that they were keeping her another night and had come to get more blood for a cancer test. She wanted me to go stay with her another night. Which I did happily! Sunday they finally let her go home. I have been going back and forth from my house to hers the past week and a half. I'm so exhausted! She's doing a little better. The medicines are making her sick, and flaring up her ulcer. We've gone to doctors appointments and financial appointments with JPS health systems. If she qualifies, they will do her hysterectomy for free. She has no job, and no source of income as of right now because of this health problem. The financial officers seemed to think she would have no problems getting in right away. The OB/gyn she saw has a surgical opening on October 8 that he would like to give her. Otherwise she will have to wait a few more weeks to get this taken care of. In the past 2 weeks, 8 doctors have seen her and all of them say it is imperative that she get the hysterectomy. This past week, she had an appointment on Monday, one on Tuesday, and one on Thursday (which I should be in bed resting so I can get up at 6am!). I thought I was going to get to go home on Thursday or Friday.....then shit happened....
On Tuesday night Heath started hacking and coughing, his eyes were watering and bloodshot. He woke up this morning and felt like crap. We took him to the doctor, because the flu scare is major in North Texas right now. He's got SWINE FLU! He has the mild strain, so they aren't real concerned right now, but gave us a stern warning that we should basically quarantine ourselves and not get around other people. They gave him meds, and told us that if we start feeling like hell that we needed to get in to see them ASAP. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! I can't go home, because neither Brenda or Scott need to be around me right now. Scott has severe asthma and this swine fly would play hell with him. Brenda's immune system is crapola anyways! She seems to get sick at the drop of a hat. When i called and told them I wouldn't be coming home and why, Scott starts yelling at me that I would kill him if I got around him, and Brenda informs me that I WILL catch swine from Heath. Such positive, uplifting roommates I've got, huh?! All I could do is laugh.
So, basically, the reason I'm finding all of this funny is because last night I had a bitching session with God. I listed all the terrible things that have happened in my life over the past year, and how I've been actively changing things that I felt he/she was telling me to change. I've been doing everything they've asked, but it seems like everything just keeps snowballing. I'm teased with wonderful things like the job with the Arlington Police Department that I've been chasing for 2 years now. Then, he/she laughs and says, "You've been punked!!!" Yesterday, I found out that I wouldn't have the money to pay all of our bills this month, and I freaked. I was like, "WTF?!" So, I had a bit of a breakdown and bitch session with God/dess. I ended my nervous breakdown with, "What the hell else are you going to throw at me?!?!?!?!" I got my answer. Heath gets swine flu and I get to not only take care of Mom, who is a freakin handful, but of him as well. I love them both and gladly do this, I just miss my bed, my apartment, my fan, my computer, my TV. These people go to bed with the chickens, and the only TV with cable is in the livingroom. They sleep with their door open, so you can't watch TV, because it will wake 'em up! GRRR!!!! So frustrating! I have to stay here until Tuesday at least. It's only Thursday. Laughter. Laughter is all thats keeping me sane.....or do crazy people laugh uncontrolably for no reason?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Menopause, Swine Flu, and a sense of humor
Posted by Tasha at 10:55 PM
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